First Writing Retreat - goal of 50,000 words in 7 days • Frank Morin

First Writing Retreat – goal of 50,000 words in 7 days

This week I am preparing to embark on a new ‘first’ for me.  I am leaving Friday for my first-ever week-long writing retreat.

Yes, I finally managed to swing it so I can hide away from everyone and everything for one entire week and focus completely on pounding out as much of my next novel as possible.  I’ve heard other authors talk about the great success they’ve had by totally immersing themselves in their stories with no interruptions for several days.  I hope to do the same.

My goal:  50,000 words in 7 days.

It’s a tall order, but I believe it’s achievable.  I’ll be working on the first draft of my new YA fantasy novel, Set In Stone. I’ve fully outlined the plot, another first for me, so I know exactly what I’ll be writing, which is the only reason I believe I can reach this goal.

I’ll post updates over the next week about the process, lessons learned, and daily word count.